One mentor ship program is required by the Rolf Institute, Boulder, CO to access to the last unit for certification. I started two mentor ship programs with two of my long time massage client. Here what client reported after her 5th session:
"Psoas… embracing the psoas… I have learned to embrace the psoas – FINALLY! You have the same gift that Daniel has! You freed up my psoas with NO pain or discomfort! What a difference! I know that muscle group is one of my target areas, due to my back injuries. And I will say, my back is continuing to feel stronger and in less pain as each week goes by…
Also, this week, you worked on esophagus area (just above my stomach) and wow! Opened up that area of my abdomen! I can breathe so much better – with much more fullness. And my intestinal issue seems to be resolving, lessening. Yay! Also, my hair has stopped falling out as I become more present with emotions and more calm overall. Loving this process!!!"