Second Rolf Mentoring Program
August 5th, 2013 by Joachim Creten
Not required by The Rolf Institute, I started a second Rolf Mentoring Program with Daniel Frank, Certified Rolfer in Santa Barbara, 38 years of experience, learned this technique under Dr. Rolf. I feel honor to be mentor by him. One of My client who received massage and bodywork from me signed up for this second program. Here her testimonial for her first Rolf session. “I went into this having no knowledge of rolfing! I had no idea what to expect. I purposefully did not research it so I could be completely open minded once there. The friends I told were “afraid” it would compromise my back issues and that it would be “painful”… My 1st experience IS that rolfing is very different than massage. I liked that you and Daniel took the time to do a full intake analysis, taking the time to talk to me and really understand my physical history. I really admired the respect of my comfort from both of you and that made me even more comfortable to just be open to whatever was about to unfold. What I took from the 1st session was how incredibly the rolfing opened up my chest so I can “breathe” more completely! Yes, I had interesting dreams, for sure that night!!! And took some time in the morning to reflect… and, yep, the emotions poured… I’ve been an emotional roller coaster since. Is that what you experienced? I do feel calmer over all though – I’m sure being able to take those deeper breaths helps… I also noticed my sense of smell was more alert – again, possibly due to being able to breathe deeper… I am interested and curious to see the effects of the 2nd session!”