Rolf Session 3 mentoring by Sara Soltau
August 16th, 2013 by Joachim Creten
Session #3 mentoring By Sara Soltau, I am working on one of my client had massage with me and decided to be rolfed by me. This mentor ship program is required by The Rolf Institute to access to the last Unit certification program. Here what the client reported after her 3rd session.
“Sides – concentrated on left shoulder again and on right hip. I was positioned on my left side first, with pillows assorted places to keep my body lined up correctly. Pressure on my hip was pretty intense but I felt better walking afterward. Next, on my right side, Joachim worked on my left shoulder to increase range of motion. Excellent results! The left arm that the doctor in Bakersfield said would continue to have limited range of motion now has almost complete range! I can reach “to the sky” with both arms! Previously I was unable to raise my left arm to brush my hair.
At the gym I have noticed in the mirror that my shoulders are even (level) now and that I can lift weighs much more evenly, without having to compensate for the lack of flexibility in my left shoulder. A clean-and-press is now possible! There is still some work to do so that I can move my arm back, but with the results I have seen so far, I believe it will be possible to regain full range of motion!”