October 8th, 2013 by Joachim Creten
Only one mentor ship is required by The Rolf Institute between Unit II and III with minimum 3 Rolf sessions. I had the chance to do a second mentor ship program with Daniel Frank, Cert. Rolfer(R) who learned Rolfing technique under Dr. Rolf… Very different experience between the two mentors. I brought one of my massage client to do only 3 Rolf sessions with Daniel and today we are @ session 8 . Here what client has to say after her session..”by far my most profound session. Don’t get me wrong, all other 7 sessions were magnificent, life changing, mood altering… as well as spell binding… but Session 8 was truly a gift for me. As I understand it, Session 8 is the beginning of the fine-tuning. I walked into the session experiencing familiar, but agonizing back pain, borderline time to get the normally required epidurals to “knock it down”… very uncomfortable! Joachim immediately identified what we had learned in the first 7 sessions as my target areas to help keep my back healthy and strong. Psoas! Once the dreaded group of muscles is now my best friend. The magic of Joachim’s hands using Rolfing technique and teachings was incredible! At the end of the session, I got off the table, and felt ZERO pain! It was completely gone! That has NOT happened in 8 years since my accident!!!!! Truly profound. I could have stood there completely comfortable for hours… wow! True believer in all that is Rolfing! By the way, once a massage addict, I have no desire to have massages anymore. Thank you, Joachim! My hero!!! Cannot wait for you to be licensed so you can share your gift with all!!!”