- Change regularly the heights of you chair.
- Change the placement of your computer screen.
- Rotate the chairs you sit on: add an inflated ball into the mix.
- Stand instead of sitting
- Consciously remember to change your position at least every 30min.
February 8th, 2012 by Joachim Creten
Often when I meet new clients they ask for advice on maintaining their body posture and avoiding injuries. My answer always starts with the same sentence: ”Keep Moving” It is essential for living organism to keep moving . When you observe monkeys in nature, even the oldest still climb trees, maybe at a slower pace, but still moving. It is the same for humans, we are made to move. Unfortunately our modern life contradicts our natural programming. Traveling in our car, by plane, by internet; simply sitting at a desk, on the phone, etc… interferes with our natural need to move. We continue this behavior into the evening, seated watching TV, reading or being on the computer again. This results in static posture for hours, often in unnatural positions. When we are seated we may think we are “doing nothing” when in actuality our muscles must contract in order to hold that position. When we hold these positions for a long time and are immobile we create a lot of stress on our muscles. This tress translates into pain. Many people rely on drugs to relieve the pain while not addressing the real issue which is the lack of mobility is making you immobile. There are solutions that are very simple: MOVE!
These simple steps will reduce the tension/stress (pain) on your muscles and you will feel much better in your day to day activities. Enjoy the relief!