Terra Massage Blog
Why do you have a Dry Skin?
August 20th, 2018 by Joachim Creten
View this post on Instagram This facial blend has been formulated for a Dry skin condition. Over 40, the skin cells are producing less collagen leading to a dry skin condition. #dryskin #facial #acne #matureskin #oilyskin # combinationskin #essentialoils #aromatherapy #terredessence A post shared by Terre d'Essence (@terredessence) on Aug 8, 2018 at 6:37am PDT
When a horse fails the flexion test
July 2nd, 2018 by Joachim Creten
This is the second time in a month that I am contacted by a person wanting to buy a horse and wants me to give my opinion on the horse. This time, the veterinary visit was made and the horse did not pass the flexion test at the anterior right. But not being sure, the … Read more
Reducing Cellulite
April 7th, 2018 by Joachim Creten
Grapefruit white essential oil improves digestion, reduces cellulite, decongest the liver.
It is Flea season again
April 5th, 2018 by Joachim Creten
Few drop on base of the dog tail and between shoulder blades. #nofrontline #naturalremedies #antiflea #essentialoil #aromoterapy
Do you have Sciatic Pain?
February 6th, 2018 by Joachim Creten
The best way to understand my client’s pain is to live with it understanding its symptoms is to reduce it forever. It is very rare that I can not understand why my body is not optimal and what I must do to fix it. I do it myself. I have many clients who come to … Read more
When there is a will, there is a way.
January 25th, 2018 by Joachim Creten
A client came to see me because he has serious back problems with a pronounced asymmetrical body position. He explains that he travels a lot and that his physical situation is chronic. He was to see his doctor who told him he had a degenerate sacroiliac joint. He tried massage, acupuncture, chiropractic with some short … Read more
How old do you think you are ?
November 20th, 2017 by Joachim Creten

When you find that you are young in your head but your body tells you the opposite you have the feeling that you are becoming old. What you think happens, you become old so you are. I have good news that the brain controls the body and not the other way around. Excuses are always … Read more
Do you enjoy walking on high heels?
November 16th, 2017 by Joachim Creten
How to wear high heel shoes and be confortable in your feet…
Checking what to eat during the Holiday’s Seasons….
November 14th, 2017 by Joachim Creten

….and keeping your digestive system running smoothly. Have you noticed that after the holiday meals, you feel heavy and bloated. Alcohol consumption is higher and water is falling. A body dehydrate creates a slowing down of the whole digestive system promoting internal blockages.This kit of 4 Essential Oils + 1 Blend will help you have … Read more
Sitting in the office hurts your back
November 10th, 2017 by Joachim Creten

“After a long time working on your computer, your back gives signs of weakness. The back’s tension settles for the rest of the day. I recommend to my clients to move every 30 minutes as for example walking, working standing or varying the height of your seat. But despite these little tips, your back or … Read more