Posts Tagged ‘better balance’
Working on Neck Restriction
August 21st, 2018 by Joachim Creten
View this post on Instagram An 1 year old arab horse with the base of tail wisted to the right, I am working the left side of the occiput area to release the tail tension. My left hand has a slight contact with his head. The horse has a total freedom to move as he … Read more
How old do you think you are ?
November 20th, 2017 by Joachim Creten

When you find that you are young in your head but your body tells you the opposite you have the feeling that you are becoming old. What you think happens, you become old so you are. I have good news that the brain controls the body and not the other way around. Excuses are always … Read more
Do you enjoy walking on high heels?
November 16th, 2017 by Joachim Creten
How to wear high heel shoes and be confortable in your feet…
Sitting in the office hurts your back
November 10th, 2017 by Joachim Creten

“After a long time working on your computer, your back gives signs of weakness. The back’s tension settles for the rest of the day. I recommend to my clients to move every 30 minutes as for example walking, working standing or varying the height of your seat. But despite these little tips, your back or … Read more
Why Fascia matter?
August 17th, 2015 by Joachim Creten
I often recommend to my client between Rolfing session to slow down any Sport/training activity and to switch to activities as Pilate or Yoga for a while to improve better posture results. All those two activities are very complementary to Rolfing Structural Integration. Here an article related to fascia explaining what is fascia?
Rolfing helps to reduce back pain
February 26th, 2014 by Joachim Creten
Interesting German tv documentary about Rolfing and the fascia interaction in the human body causing back pain
Thoughts on Rolfing
February 25th, 2014 by Joachim Creten
A part of the Rolfing process is learning to develop your own body awareness, or rediscovering your body awareness. Modern society has left us very body unaware. For instance, I am in pain, I call my doctor, he gives me a pill, I feel better. My level of awareness was pain and now I feel … Read more