Posts Tagged ‘Rolfing Institute’
When there is a will, there is a way.
January 25th, 2018 by Joachim Creten
A client came to see me because he has serious back problems with a pronounced asymmetrical body position. He explains that he travels a lot and that his physical situation is chronic. He was to see his doctor who told him he had a degenerate sacroiliac joint. He tried massage, acupuncture, chiropractic with some short … Read more
Rolf Mentorship Program Introduction – Mentor Sara Soltau, advanced Rolfer, Santa Barbara
August 2nd, 2013 by Joachim Creten
I started the Rolf Mentoring Program required by The Rolf Institute, Boulder CO.where I need to rolf a client by following a protocol of 10 sessions with supervision of Sara Soltau an established Rolfer in Santa Barbara.I asked the client to send me notes and comments about her experience to this process for each session. … Read more