Why my horse spooks?
August 29th, 2018 by Joachim Creten
View this post on Instagram In a wild environment, a horse will not show that is hurting because it could be the prey of a predator. He has this survival instinct even in the stable. The foundation of my work is based on trust, obsevation and what the horse tells me. No need of force … Read more
Can’t hide a hip pain from me!
August 23rd, 2018 by Joachim Creten
View this post on Instagram I continue to work with the pregnant mare and progress to the right hip. I need both my hands and double lines are necessary. My body is leaning forward with a light touch with my hands on the hip area.The whole region of the hip is in "fire". The horse … Read more
When there is a will, there is a way.
January 25th, 2018 by Joachim Creten
A client came to see me because he has serious back problems with a pronounced asymmetrical body position. He explains that he travels a lot and that his physical situation is chronic. He was to see his doctor who told him he had a degenerate sacroiliac joint. He tried massage, acupuncture, chiropractic with some short … Read more
Do you enjoy walking on high heels?
November 16th, 2017 by Joachim Creten
How to wear high heel shoes and be confortable in your feet…
Sitting in the office hurts your back
November 10th, 2017 by Joachim Creten

“After a long time working on your computer, your back gives signs of weakness. The back’s tension settles for the rest of the day. I recommend to my clients to move every 30 minutes as for example walking, working standing or varying the height of your seat. But despite these little tips, your back or … Read more
While you enjoy your dental care without pain…
November 5th, 2017 by Joachim Creten
….Ask your dentist how his shoulders go today Indeed, dentists and dental hygienists take care of our teeth by working entire hours to perform miracles. At the same time, they work sitting, leaning forward, on the side to access teeth that require attention and sometimes imposes a lot of concentration and effort. Chronic physical symptoms … Read more
The yawning horse
February 24th, 2016 by Joachim Creten
My first session of 5 on this horse. This horse had a surgery a year ago and had some difficulties to move properly. After 10 minutes of work, he is yawning already. The owner mentioned after the session that she did not need her spurs anymore and she had to retrain herself to sit in … Read more
Why Fascia matter?
August 17th, 2015 by Joachim Creten
I often recommend to my client between Rolfing session to slow down any Sport/training activity and to switch to activities as Pilate or Yoga for a while to improve better posture results. All those two activities are very complementary to Rolfing Structural Integration. Here an article related to fascia explaining what is fascia?https://yogainternational.com/article/view/yoga-anatomy-what-every-teacher-and-practitioner-should-know-about-fascia